So as some of you may know, i do some mural work in addition to illustration. I did a 24 hour mural job in new jersey today. taking the bus there yesterday and prepping and working for about 10 hours straight until it was finished today, then back on the train to baltimore. The result came out very nice..unfortunately on my way home i missed my train, leaving me stranded in newark penn station for a little while. I frequent train stations to draw quite regularly, however as i went to take a seat i was shocked by the stench in the air. as i looked around i realized none of the passengers in the main entrance to the station were actually passengers. They were all either homeless, or severely intoxicated. I quickly turned on my heel to find safer waters, but this police man and his smaller policeman buddy were keeping an eye on all the occupants in the room. as much as i wanted to leave, i could not pass up drawing this officer. Every once in awhile you see someone who makes you go " aghh i HAVE to draw them" and so it was. he wasn't eating a candy bar, but i figured it probably happened at some point so i threw it on in there. luckily i finished up before he started arresting a guy who tried to fight a news cameraman because the news guys wouldnt interview him. And i wasn't even in baltimore. everything else is sketching from the train and bus...and the mural of course
Hi Isaac,
Thank you for the comment on my blog. It's true, sketches are always the best. Yours here are very nice indeed, I love the proportions on that tall van. Great story and sketch about the train station waiting room, nothing beats real life experiences.
nice i like
i think ive drawen that officer too actually haha just rough sketches.. i loved his shape
It was a NJ transit cop. So probably not but I'm sure there's more out there like him
Nice sketches!
Pretty wild story too. I've seen my share of creepy people on public buses, but I think that takes the cake.
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